Saturday, June 16, 2007

Would you wage a war for independence?

If you look at history, one fact will become obvious when it comes to nations seeking independence: it is not possible to achieve independence without successfully waging a war against established powers, such as a colonial empire.

Only India, under the amazing leadership of Gandhi, has been able to achieve independence without having to go to war.

Similarly, it is very unlikely that a man can achieve financial independence (also called financial freedom) without waging a war. This war, however, is not waged with guns and bullets, but with words, ideas and thoughts.

If you look at the men in your life, you will immediately see who is engaged in a war to attain financial independence, and who is just seeking security and wants to absolutely avoid war.

The men who are not willing to fight, will have plenty of reasons (excuses, really) for not fighting. But nobody can judge them. They are responsible for their own lives, and what they do with the limited time they have on Earth is their own business and nobody should interfere.

However, this portal was created for men who are willing to fight. I know they are in the minority, and I also know they need tools and weapons to wage this war.

This is why I decided, two days ago, to launch information and training sessions every Monday, from 7 to 9 PM, in order to share as much of what I know as possible with these valiant men. I will record all the sessions so the valuable information and knowledge becomes available to all users of this portal.


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