Friday, May 11, 2007

Why this portal?

I often say about Talentelle, the company I co-founded with my sister Zoonie, that "the success of Talentelle is virtually guaranteed by the unstoppable unfolding of history, which favors the rise in power and influence of women in critical spheres of human activity."

The renowned management guru Tom Peters often makes the point that the New Economy favors feminine qualities such as communication, relationship-building, collaboration, responsiveness, etc.

All of this is great news for women.

For men, however, the future doesn't look too good. I sense that "manhood" is a concept in (desperate?) need of repair or renovation. We live in a world largely built by men, and it is indeed a very, very, very dangerous world. It is a world often run on testosterone, where power and prestige and profit often corrupt men in positions of influence.

At the same time, there are numerous examples of courageous men who do their very best to repair the world we live in. These courageous, capable and brilliant men are setting new standards of manhood, and are encouraging -- through personal example -- other men to follow in the path of brave and authentic manhood.

Edward de Bono (creator of Lateral Thinking and my intellectual teacher), Hernando de Soto (founder of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy and author of The Mystery of Capital), Daniel Germain (founder/president of Le Club des Petits Dejeuners, which serves free breakfasts to 13,000 kids in Quebec), Garry Kasparov (the former world chess champion, now leader of "The Other Russia", a dissident party in Russia), Dr. Mohamed Yunus (creator of micro-credit and Nobel Prize winner), Noam Chomsky (the gentle voice of reason that keeps in check the dangerous imperial ambitions of the U.S. government in foreign affairs), etc. are only some of the great men whose work I study and admire.

Oh, yes, there's Dr Phil also! How can I forget my own psycho-therapist! I always watch his show while comfortably lying down on a sofa. I was able to apply to my situation many of his highly memorable one-liners ("You can't change what you don't acknowledge!", "Get real, get smart, get going!," "Somebody has to step up and be a hero!", etc.). It really works, trust me! Dr. Phil helped me to get in touch with my sensitive side, with the child within me. The only problem is that now, I'm stuck with baby-sitting that darn kid!). :-P

Anyways, this Superman Portal exists to provide resources and tools so that men can improve themselves. I myself am SOOOOO imperfect, so it feels quite strange that I'm launching this thing. In fact, if you talk to my ex-girlfriend, she can list in a document of at least five pages all my weaknesses and faults. She can do this in alphabetical order, too!! (Well, that's why she's my ex. Just kidding!).

In any case, in order to reform manhood, I had the choice between starting something like Fight Club or this portal. Since I don't look as good as Brad Pitt without my shirt on, I decided to go for the portal. :-)

Anyways, enjoy!



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