Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The magic of compound growth

The mind map on the previous post is approximately 5% of the whole mind map that I will eventually show to people who have enrolled in the Business E-ducation Program. "B.E.E.P. curriculum" stands for Business Empowerment for Exponential Profits.

By "empowerment," I mean that either somebody gave you power, or you grabbed power. Either way, I mean power in the sense of "knowledge." And knowledge is best defined as the "capacity for effective action."

So somebody who has a management degree, but doesn't know what to do in a business situation, does NOT have knowledge. He may have a nice degree, properly framed and hanging on a wall in the living room. But he does NOT have knowledge (i.e. power).

As for "Exponential Profits," I refer to a person's ability to see, with his mind, "money seeds" everywhere. Exponential profits come from seeing money as an organic seed which produces limitless wealth.

This requires, of course, that the money seed be planted in a highly fertile environment that will nourish it and grow it. Such a fertile environment is the properly excited human mind.

If a person's mind is not fertile and doesn't nourish the money seed, then the money will just die.

This is why, for instance, over half of people who win a million dollars at the lottery, become bankcrupt in two years. This means they are POORER than they were before they bought the winning lottery ticket!

This is also why most self-made millionaires come from poor families and started out in life with very limited resources: Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Matt Morris, etc. just to name a few.

In truth, it's not the size of your money seed, or how many money seeds you have. It's your skill at creating and sustaining the compounding growth of that seed.

Einstein hinted at that secret when he said, on the evening where he received his Nobel Prize, that the greatest force in the universe is that of compound interest.

In short, to become wealthy, you've got to find a way to create and sustain compounding growth. Read the book by Curtis Carlson to know the secrets regarding compounding growth.

By the way, have you noticed the total absence of any kind of compounding growth in the working life of employees? Indeed, the salary of most people is fixed throughout the year, and even from year to year. Since salary reflects contribution to corporate success, it then follows that there is NO compound growth in the person's professional contribution or career development.

Economic impotence is painful

No matter how "manly" you think you are, your manhood is not complete until you understand and master business.

That's because society is 80% business. So without understanding business, a man cannot have power in society. He is "economically impotent."

Like the other form of impotence, this kind of impotence is not something men want to talk about, let alone admit privately or publicly. However, unlike the other impotence, this one penalizes not just the couple, but their children as well because quality of income determines quality of life for the whole family.

To remedy this feeling of being "economically impotent," a man may do other things after 5 PM or during week-ends to feel better. However, every Monday morning (and often, it starts on Sunday afternoon), he is brought back to reality.

The reality of being existentially incomplete and economically inadequate.

He may blame his managers or the "system" or the government or any number of external sources. The only person he does not blame is himself. This is understandable, for such is human nature and the need for psychological self-preservation.

But eventually, he begins to realize that he is trapped in a sort of Matrix where the system is too powerful and where his life seems to be programmed in advance, where he has little choice. This daily grind crushes his sense of manhood, and turns him into sheep that is incapable of having an independent opinion, much less an original idea (when, strangely enough, as self-made billionaire Ross Perot said, "it just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of your life.")

The movie Fight Club expresses brilliantly this deep-seated desire of men to take back control of their lives. Men have the innate desire and ability to fight for what they believe is right. It's just that, tragically enough, society's institutions are designed to deactivate that desire to fight in every boy. The educational system, for instance, is designed to create obedient, predictable and conforming little boys who grow up to become obedient, predictable and conforming little men.

That indeed is the ultimate crime of society: to rob men of their manhood.

Indeed, how can a man feel virility when another man dictates HOW and WHERE he must spend his time five days a week?

The "organization man" of the 1950s must give way to the 21st century superman. This superman is fully in charge of his economic life, and has absolute sovereign control over HOW and WHERE he spends every single day of his life.

Watch the movie The Thomas Crown Affair, starring Pierce Brosnan. You will see an example of what a superman should look like. Most people think that becoming Thomas Crown is impossible, and THAT very thinking is precisely why they will never become Thomas Crown. They have basically given up before even trying. Even a small baby or a young infant will try before giving up.

The bottom line is that every man's life is his own. He can choose to do whatever he wants with it. But choose, he must. He must choose either to be in control of his life, or he will -- often by default -- choose to give up control of his life (especially five days a week, 9 to 5).

For men who courageously choose to be in control (I say "courageously" because being in control implies being personally responsible), the next step is to realize that power can only come from understanding.

Understanding what? Understanding business, which constitutes 80% of society, as mentioned previously.

People who refuse to learn about business, are in fact choosing a life of economic slavery. No man wants to be the slave of another man, yet so far, it was the only way to survive. Having a "job" was the only option available.

Today, there are many more options. And people DO want to explore those options, which is why the billionaire Donald Trump, who made his fortune in real estate, now seems to aggressively pursue and exploit the exploding Business Education industry! (

In the end, economic impotence is painful. And it keeps hurting without men doing anything about it because it is not physically visible, and it's not even mentally detectable. This undetectability of the Economic Impotence Syndrome makes it all the more difficult to treat.

I myself had to admit, several years ago, that I was economically impotent, even though I had a business degree from McGill University (called the "Harvard of Canada" by Newsweek magazine).

The good news for all men is that I've spent the last 7 years doing the hard intellectual work of creating a powerful framework that teaches business, so there is no need to get an MBA degree (unless you want to work as an employee-executive for a Fortune 500 company).

It is then up to every man to assess, accurately and honestly, his economic situation, and make the courageous decision to learn and master business. For the stakes are high: it's not just financial freedom. It's about seizing control of one's life and, in the process, proudly expressing the full potential of one's MANHOOD!

Meet women, make money, master business and GET RICH!

As CEO of Talentelle, I'm currently looking for distinguished and articulate gentlemen to deliver various presentations, seminars and workshops to women who are part of the Talentelle community.

From my experience, I find that women are decent, pleasant and compassionate human beings. I've learned so much from interacting with women -- stuff I have never read in any book! (And I'm a book worm who reads hundreds of books per year!).

And I've had a lot of fun sharing my knowledge with them.

Currently, I'm looking for men who are good at oral presentations so that Talentelle can serve more women. No training background required, but the candidate must be good at or willing to learn public speaking.

Trainers not only get paid, but learn a great deal about business and can eventually launch their own business if they wish.

To be considered for these contract training positions, please signal your interest by emailing cover letter and resume (PDF format) to Thank you.

FREE Business E-ducation Program

Many people are starting to enrol in my new Business E-ducation Program, which is offered FREE of charge! I congratulate all new "students" because indeed, it is one extremely smart move to engage on the path of Business Education.

Business is really the way to create wealth and achieve financial freedom under a system like capitalism. As we all know, capitalism won over communism in 1989, and is currently the "only game in town."

Capitalism is a system of private ownership and control of the means of production, and was in fact designed to make YOU rich. BUT you have to know HOW to use it to your own advantage.

Most people don't know how to use capitalism to their own advantage, which is why they have to work for someone else: the business owners.

Don't feel bad if you don't understand capitalism or business. In my case, I graduated with distinction from McGill University in business and STILL did not understand what business or capitalism is all about! I only understood 7 months after graduation, when I began to make a LOT OF MONEY for my employer, yet noticed that my paycheck remained the same week after week.

In fact, the revenues I brought to the company grew exponentially, because I was very good at selling and persuading, but my salary was a flat line. That was in June 2000.

Since then, I've read about 800 books, even speed read through websites, blogs, white papers, etc. to discover the secrets underlying capitalism. Why is it that some people become rich while others struggle every day without seeing the end in sight?

Most people, in fact, work hard every day, but never become rich. What's the difference between rich and poor people?

Robert Kiyosaki, T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, etc. all provide good conceptual answers, and I truly admire these men for they have taught me how to think correctly at the conceptual level. But I think people need to ALSO get down to the nitty gritty (i.e. technical) details.

This is why I created the Business E-ducation Program. It's an email-based education program that will challenge people to think strategically and profitably, so they can liberate themselves financially.

In the end, life is just WAY TOO SHORT to work for someone else.

My philosophy is that if you've got a brain, you deserve to have a business. And if you've got a business, there is a 1 in a 1,000 chance that you will become a millionaire (this is from a research study commissioned by Newsweek magazine).

But in my opinion, it's not even about the money. A business allows you to CREATE LIFE, because if you design and build your business correctly, you should be able to hire a high-integrity and capable manager to run it for you while you do other things like pursuing the life of your dreams.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Why this portal?

I often say about Talentelle, the company I co-founded with my sister Zoonie, that "the success of Talentelle is virtually guaranteed by the unstoppable unfolding of history, which favors the rise in power and influence of women in critical spheres of human activity."

The renowned management guru Tom Peters often makes the point that the New Economy favors feminine qualities such as communication, relationship-building, collaboration, responsiveness, etc.

All of this is great news for women.

For men, however, the future doesn't look too good. I sense that "manhood" is a concept in (desperate?) need of repair or renovation. We live in a world largely built by men, and it is indeed a very, very, very dangerous world. It is a world often run on testosterone, where power and prestige and profit often corrupt men in positions of influence.

At the same time, there are numerous examples of courageous men who do their very best to repair the world we live in. These courageous, capable and brilliant men are setting new standards of manhood, and are encouraging -- through personal example -- other men to follow in the path of brave and authentic manhood.

Edward de Bono (creator of Lateral Thinking and my intellectual teacher), Hernando de Soto (founder of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy and author of The Mystery of Capital), Daniel Germain (founder/president of Le Club des Petits Dejeuners, which serves free breakfasts to 13,000 kids in Quebec), Garry Kasparov (the former world chess champion, now leader of "The Other Russia", a dissident party in Russia), Dr. Mohamed Yunus (creator of micro-credit and Nobel Prize winner), Noam Chomsky (the gentle voice of reason that keeps in check the dangerous imperial ambitions of the U.S. government in foreign affairs), etc. are only some of the great men whose work I study and admire.

Oh, yes, there's Dr Phil also! How can I forget my own psycho-therapist! I always watch his show while comfortably lying down on a sofa. I was able to apply to my situation many of his highly memorable one-liners ("You can't change what you don't acknowledge!", "Get real, get smart, get going!," "Somebody has to step up and be a hero!", etc.). It really works, trust me! Dr. Phil helped me to get in touch with my sensitive side, with the child within me. The only problem is that now, I'm stuck with baby-sitting that darn kid!). :-P

Anyways, this Superman Portal exists to provide resources and tools so that men can improve themselves. I myself am SOOOOO imperfect, so it feels quite strange that I'm launching this thing. In fact, if you talk to my ex-girlfriend, she can list in a document of at least five pages all my weaknesses and faults. She can do this in alphabetical order, too!! (Well, that's why she's my ex. Just kidding!).

In any case, in order to reform manhood, I had the choice between starting something like Fight Club or this portal. Since I don't look as good as Brad Pitt without my shirt on, I decided to go for the portal. :-)

Anyways, enjoy!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wealth and Personal Power

Okay, congratulations, you got to this portal through a friend of mine. So I already trust you a little. :-)

Here's the deal: join my team and you will learn how to acquire wealth and personal power. I'm not joking. I have absolutely no intention of being anything but a multimillionaire (and retire before I'm 40. I have nothing against "work." I can sit for hours and watch people work!).

Yet money doesn't mean much to me, I just want financial freedom so I can do more important stuff like teach people about economic freedom (, calligraphy (, etc.

The mission of this Superman Portal is simply to empower men who sincerely desire wealth and personal power so they can use both for great causes. This portal already benefits from all the instructional materials (which are quite revolutionary and proprietary) that I created for Talentelle (

Through this portal, I want to offer men the opportunity to:
  • buy CDs which contain all the super-valuable, super-strategic training materials developed for women. Don't worry, the materials are reformatted with mucho virility so they are perfectly suited to men!
  • become CD resellers (you can sell CDs in person through valuable information sessions, or through your website/blog, or through your email signature and we host the e-commerce application)
  • become BMW trainers if they so wish
  • become Ideal Career seminar leaders if they so wish

Drop me a line if you would like to discuss how we can work together. If you wish to become a trainer or reseller, please include your resume in PDF format as well as a statement of 200 words or less about who you are and your aim in life.

Remember: You have the chance to be powerful and wealthy, if you have the heart to take that chance.

I hope to hear from you soon. Winners only, please. (By which I mean men who have decided, once and for all, to win in life and will do whatever it takes to succeed. This does not mean that the other men are losers. It simply means they are in a comfortable zone where they are neither losing nor winning).

Good luck in all your endeavours!

Peter Nguyen

Rules for Business Success

  1. Carefully examine every detail of the business
  2. Be prompt
  3. Take time to consider and then decide quickly
  4. Dare to go forward
  5. Bear your trouble patiently
  6. Maintain your integrity as a sacred thing
  7. Never tell business lies
  8. Make no useless acquaintances
  9. Never try to appear something more than you are
  10. Pay your debts promptly
  11. Learn how to risk your money at the right time
  12. Shun strong liquor
  13. Employ your time well
  14. Do not reckon on chance
  15. Be polite to everyone
  16. Never be discouraged
  17. Work hard and you will succeed

- Rothschild


Happy the man who has learned the cause of things and has put under his feet all fear, inexorable fate, and the noisy strife of the hell of greed. - Virgil

No one has learned the meaning of life until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellow men. - Beran Wolfe

Ten Commandments for Victory

  1. Obey orders always, honestly, cheerfully and conscientiously!
  2. Do your duty on time all the time!
  3. Practice self-control and self-denial always!
  4. Be considerate of others; be willing to give before you take!
  5. Be neat and clean in person as well as in speech!
  6. Don't find fault, lest you find time for little else!
  7. Whatever you do, do it just a little bit better than anyone else!
  8. Resolve to win, always on the alert for Victory!
  9. Be true to yourself, your comrades, your God and your country!
  10. Be faithful and dependable, ever mindful of your sacred privilege in serving America!

- Major Manfred Pakas

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Life is a storm (my favorite movie quote)

"Life is a storm, my young friend.

You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next.

What makes you a man, is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome: "Do your worst! For I will do mine!"

Then the Fates will know you as we know you. As Albert Mondego, the man."

- Count of Monte Cristo's toast to young Albert on the occasion of his birthday anniversary